Give your sales force that extra advantage to close a deal. Give back to your employees for their extra effort. Promote health and wellness incentives for your employees. Whatever reasons you have, corporate memberships will help you accomplish these goals.
- 100 eighteen hole golf passes that include the use of a cart and range balls.
- Ability to use any day and time.
- Ability to order merchandise (shoes, bags, clubs logoed balls) at 20% over cost.
- This will beat any discount store pricing on current styles and models.
- Company charge account available free of charge.
- One “Par Membership” with the ability to play in any member only weekend club events.
- In house reward dollars for food and beverage purchases.
- Cost of $3800.00, Retail value of $5225.00
- 60 eighteen hole golf passes that include a cart usage and range balls.
- Ability to use any day and time.
- Ability to order merchandise (shoes, bags, clubs logoed balls) at 20% over cost.
- This will beat any discount store pricing on current styles and models.
- In house reward dollars for food and beverage purchases.
- One “Par Membership” with the ability to play in any member only weekend club events.
- Company charge account available free of charge.
- Cost of $2560.00. Retail value of $3320.00
The Following Restrictions Apply:
- No more than 12 golfers on any given day
- Offer valid until June 1